Exibitions & Stall Design

We design exhibition stalls with the objective of providing an enhanced brand experience to your stall visitors. Our expert designers create the design with state-of-the-art tools keeping in mind your business need, visitor journey and designated stall space, and then develop this in 3D. Although the exhibition booth is a temporary space, we strive to make it memorable for the visitor, adding to your brand equity and aiding brand recall.

We then begin work on the actual stall based on the design. Each part that goes into the stall is prepared meticulously by our team of designers and builders. Fabrication materials and methods are determined based on needs, budget and installation location and could range from wood to metal.

  • Conventions & Trade Fairs
  • Marketing & Supports
  • Theme Entry
  • Theme Pavilion
  • Stall Design & Febrication